Crafting and distribution
Pandora owns and operates two large crafting facilities in Bangkok and Lamphun in Thailand. Our crafting facility in Lamphun and our main crafting facility in Bangkok maintain Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold building certification. Pandora aims to run our crafting facilities and distribution centres in a fully circular way.
We do this by adopting internationally recognised and certifiable environmental management systems, tracking and reporting progress on key environmental indicators, pursuing the principles of circularity, and actively engaging with stakeholders. Our actions are governed by our Environmental Policy.
Product safety and quality
Pandora is committed to producing jewellery with materials deemed safe for our consumers, workers and environment. Pandora products contain no hazardous chemicals and we maintain a list of restricted substances which all suppliers are required to adhere to. This also applies to our consumer packaging. Suppliers must provide proper records as proof, and test certificates are required as compliance evidence. Pandora’s manufacturing has an active ISO 9001 (Quality Management) certification.
Where possible, we reduce and recycle waste materials. Our crafting facilities generate waste from raw materials, production processes, deteriorated products and wastewater. We recycle close to 100% of our four primary waste streams, gypsum, glass, wax and rubber, by partnering with other industries.
At our distribution centres, we have a multi-stream recycling programme. Dedicated bins at our facilities allow us to properly dispose of recyclable materials and ensure we follow local guidelines. Most of the waste comes from packaging, such as plastic zip bags, labels and cardboard boxes.
Water consumption
We have two main water objectives at our crafting facilities: reduce use and increase recycling. Water-related impacts are assessed and managed in accordance with ISO 14001. Fresh water is used for drinking water and processes like tumbling and plating, while recycled water is used for industrial processes like mortar injection. To reduce water consumption, we use automatic taps and efficient measurement systems, and we routinely inspect our systems. We are exploring ways of further increasing our water recycling by utilising it for processes like drainage and mortar mixing.
Wastewater and chemicals management
We maintain strict control over the use of chemicals in our manufacturing processes. Wastewater and chemicals-related impacts are controlled and addressed in accordance with the international ISO 14001 standard. This includes regular recording of water consumption data and limiting the use of reservoir water resources by recycling. We train employees at our crafting facilities in hazardous chemical spill response and wastewater and hazardous waste control. All wastewater at our crafting facilities is measured for quality and treated through the buildings’ wastewater treatment system as well as the treatment system of the industrial estate before it is released back into the local water supply.
We have conducted an environmental impact assessment at our crafting facilities that included a biodiversity assessment in accordance with the standards required by law. Local third-party agencies inspect the facilities on an annual basis. Our distribution centres also conduct a biodiversity assessment when required by law. None are located near protected areas.
Pandora is committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for all of our employees and customers. Our Health and Safety Policy at Pandora’s crafting facilities covers all workers, including contractors, and visitors. Training is provided to all staff, we monitor performance closely, and we have a dedicated “Together Towards Zero” campaign to reach zero accidents at our crafting facilities.
Pandora provides occupational health and safety training for all employees at our distribution centres. Training varies by distribution centre and includes first aid, fire protection, evacuation, dangers when working at the warehouse, working with forklift trucks, working with electric and hydraulic presses, and emergency preparedness. In addition, our facility in Thailand has implemented the international ISO 45001 standard.
Bangkok • ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold building certification at our main crafting facility |
Lamphun • ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold building certification |